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Articles in academic journals and book chapters:

"Centralization decisions in multi-sided platform portfolios" (with Yuliya Snihur). Academy of Management Perspectives.Forthcoming. 2024.

“Resource allocation: the response to exogenous shocks across ownership types” (with Cristian Ramirez and Gustavo Lagos). Corporate Governance: An International Review. 

30( 6),  783– 805. 2022.

The effect of within-firm vertical pay disparity in occupational safety” (with Cristián Ramírez y Marcos Singer). Safety Science. Vol 145. 2022

“Can firms be both broad and deep?  Exploring interdependencies between horizontal and vertical firm scope" (with Anne Parmigiani and Francisco Brahm). Journal of Management. Forthcoming.

“Socially responsible firms outsource less” (with María Jose Murcia and Rajat Panwar). Business & Society. Forthcoming.

“Stakeholder value appropriation: the case of labor in the worldwide mining industry” (with Cristian Ramirez). Strategic Management Journal. 39:1496–1525. 2018.

“When one Business Model Isn´t enough.” (also included in HBR's 10 Must Reads on Business Model Innovation. Harvard Business Review Press. Boston, Massachusetts. 2019. Pp. 127-138). Originally, in Harvard Business Review (USA). Vol. 90 (1). 2012.

“Managing complexity in a Multi-Business Model Organization” (with Yuliya Snihur). Long Range Planning. 51(1):50-63. 2018.

“The impact of frictions in routine execution on economies of scope” (with Francisco Brahm and Marcos Singer). Strategic Management Journal. Volume 38 (10), pp 2021-2042. October, 2017.

“Toward an integrated theory of the firm: The interplay between internal organization and vertical integration” (with Francisco Brahm). Strategic Management Journal. Volume 37, N, 12, pp. 2481-2502. 2016.

“Relational Contracts and Collaboration in the Supply Chain: Impact of Expected Future Business Volume on the Make-or-Buy Decision” (with Francisco Brahm). Journal of Supply Chain Management. Volume 52, No. 3. Pp. 48-67. 2016.

“A corporate view of business model innovation” (with Ramón Casadesus- Masanell and Joan Enric Ricart). In: Nicolai Foss, Tina Saebi,editors. Business model innovation. Estados Unidos: Oxford University Press; p. 64-84. 2015. 

“Does Complexity and Prior Interactions Affect Project Procurement? Evidence from Mining Mega-Projects”(with Francisco Brahm). International Journal of Project Management. 33, p. 1851-1862. November, 2015.

“Transactional Hazards, Institutional Change, and Capabilities: Integrating the Theories of the Firm” (with Francisco Brahm). Strategic Management Journal, 35, p. 224-245. 2014.

“Subcontracting in project-based firms: Do you follow the same pattern across your different projects?” (with Francisco Brahm): International Journal of Project Management, 32 (6), p. 995-1006. 2014.

"Boundary Choice Interdependency: Evidence from the Construction Industry" (with Francisco Brahm). Industrial and Corporate Change. 2013, pp. 1229-1271

“The emergence of world-class companies in Chile: Analysis of cases and a framework to analyze integration decisions”. Journal of Business Research 66, pp. 1728-1735. 2013.

“The impact of complexity and managerial diseconomies on hierarchical governance” (with Francisco Brahm). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 84 (2012) 586– 599. 2012.

“Limit pricing with complementary goods”. Journal of Modeling in Management, Vol. 6 Issue: 2, pages.215 – 224. 2011. 

“Firm, industry and corporation effects revisited: A mixed multi-level analysis for Chilean companies” (with Cristian Ramirez). Applied Economic Letters, Volume 18, Issue , pages 95 – 100. 2011.

“Persistence of profitability: Explaining the differences among countries and industries” (with Ingrid Eyleerts). Academia: Revista Latinoamericana de Administración. Vol. 44. pp. 99-114. May, 2010.

“Determinants of Entrepreneurial Profitability and its Persistence:  The Case of Chile versus US” (with Francisco Brahm and Felipe Daiber). Journal of Business Research. Vol. 61, Number 6, pp. 599-608. 2008.

“Capital Structure and Entry Deterrence with Multiple Incumbents”. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. Vol. 7. N° 1. 2007.

“Should National Brand Manufacturers Produce Private Labels? Journal of Modeling in Management. Vol. 2 N° 1, 2007.

“Jurisprudencia sobre precios predatorios en Chile ¿Han sido  uniformes los criterios aplicados?” (with José Hevia). Abante, Studies in Business Management. Vol.8 N° 2. October, 2005.

“Strategic Effects of Private Labels and Horizontal Integration”. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol. 14, N° 3, 321-335. July, 2004.

“Regulación: Objetivos, Problemas y Opciones que se abren en el Mercado de la Telefonía Fija Local” (coauthor Fernando Coloma). Abante: Studies in Business Management. Vol. 7, Octubre, 2004.

“Explicando la Rentabilidad de la Empresa y su Sustentación” (with Francisco Brahm and Felipe Daiber). Abante: Studies in Business Management. 2004.

“Private Labels and Retail Market Concentration”. Abante: Studies in Business Management. Vol. 6, N° 1, Abril 2003.

“Reasons for Conglomeration: Empirical Analysis of Management Responses in Chile” (with José Rivera). Abante: Studies in Business Management. Vol.3 Nº 2, pp.203-226. October, 2000.

“Internal Capital Markets and Multimarket Contact as Explanations for Conglomerates in   Emerging Markets”. Abante: Studies in Business Management, Vol. 2, Nº 1. 1999.

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